Tarendra Lakhankar

Dr. Lakhankar is an active member of multiple international professional organizations and have also been selected as chair and co-chair in International Conferences. He is actively involved in reviewing proposals (NSF, NASA, NSERC, etc.) and served as Guest Editor for international journals and reviewed manuscripts several journals including: (1) African Journal of Agricultural Research, (2) African Journal of Business Management, (3) Computers and Geosciences, (4) IEEE Transaction on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, (5) International Journal of Digital Earth, (6) International Journal of Remote Sensing, (7) International Journal of Water, (8) Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), (9) Journal of Applied Geography, (10) Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheric, (11) Journal of the American Water Resources Association, (12) Journal of Flood Engineering, (13) Journal of Mountain Science, (14) Remote Sensing (MDPI), (15) Scientia Agricola, (16) Scientific Research and Essays, (17) Vadose Zone, (18) World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development journal (WRSTSD), and (19) Water Resources Research (AGU).

Peer Reviewed Papers:      

  1. Malikah, S., Avila, S., Garcia, G., & T. Lakhankar (2024). Historical Climate Trends and Extreme Weather Events in the Tri-State Area: A Detailed Analysis of Urban and Suburban Differences. Climate, 12(3), 32.
  2. Trossi-Torres, G., Muñoz-Barreto, J., Morales-Vélez, A. C., Rodriguez-Fernández, E., Martínez-Sánchez, O., & T. Lakhankar (2024). Assessing streamflow forecast accuracy for flash flood events in Puerto Rico. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 52, 101697.
  3. Agonafir, C., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., Krakauer, N., Radell, D., & N. Devineni (2023). A review of recent advances in urban flood research. Water Security, 19, 100141.
  4. Agonafir C., Lakhankar T., Khanbilvardi R., Krakauer N., Radell D., N. Devineni (2022) A machine learning approach to evaluate the spatial variability of New York City’s 311 street flooding complaints, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 97, 101854, ISSN 0198-9715.
  5. Abdelkader, M., Temimi, M., Colliander, A., Cosh, M.H., Kelly, V.R., Lakhankar, T. and A. Fares (2022). Assessing the Spatiotemporal Variability of SMAP Soil Moisture Accuracy in a Deciduous Forest RegionRemote Sensing14(14), p.3329.
  6. Agonafir C., Lakhankar T., Khanbilvardi T., Krakauer N., and D. Radell (2022) A review of recent advances in urban flood modeling and mitigation techniques, accepted in Water Security.
  7. Sthapit, E., Lakhankar, T., Hughes, M., Khanbilvardi, R., Cifelli, R., Mahoney, K., Currier, W.R., Viterbo, F. and A. Rafieeinasab (2022). Evaluation of Snow and Streamflows Using Noah-MP and WRF-Hydro Models in Aroostook River Basin, Maine. Water, 14(14), p.2145.
  8. Agonafir, C., Pabon, A. R., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., & N. Devineni (2022). Understanding New York City street flooding through 311 complaintsJournal of Hydrology605, 127300.
  9. Holtzman NM, Anderegg LD, Kraatz S, Mavrovic A, Sonnentag O, Pappas C, Cosh MH, Langlois A, Lakhankar T, Tesser D, N. Steiner (2021). L-band vegetation optical depth as an indicator of plant water potential in a temperate deciduous forest stand. Biogeosciences. 18(2):739-53.
  10. Fang, L., Zhan, X., Yin, J., Liu, J., Schull, M., Walker, J.P., Wen, J., Cosh, M.H., Lakhankar, T., Collins, C.H. and D.D. Bosch (2020). An Intercomparison Study of Algorithms for Downscaling SMAP Radiometer Soil Moisture RetrievalsJournal of Hydrometeorology21(8), pp.1761-1775.
  11. Chiu, J., Paredes-Mesa, S., Lakhankar, T., Romanov, P., Krakauer, N., Khanbilvardi, R., & R. Ferraro (2020). Intercomparison and Validation of MIRS, MSPPS, and IMS Snow Cover Products Advances in Meteorology2020.
  12. Krakauer, N. Y., Lakhankar, T., and G. H. Dars (2019). Precipitation Trends over the Indus BasinClimate7(10), 116. https://doi.org/10.3390/cli7100116
  13. Krakauer, N. Y., Lakhankar, T., and D. Hudson (2019). Trends in Drought over the Northeast United StatesWater11(9), 1834. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11091834
  14. Bhattacharjee A., Anadón JD, Lohman D., Doleck T., Lakhankar T., Shresta B., Thapa P., Devkota D., Tiwari S., Jha A., Siwakoti M., Devkota NR, Jha PK, and N. Krakauer (2017) The impact of climate change on biodiversity in Nepal: current knowledge, gaps and opportunities, Climate, 5(4), 80; doi:10.3390/cli5040080.
  15. Mandal R.A., Jha P.K., Krakauer N., Jha A., and T. Lakhankar (2017) Assessing Cost Effective Management Options of Eichhornia crassipes in Ecotourism Ramsar Sites, Nepal, International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology in Extension and Education Systems (IJASRT in EESs), Volume 7-2, Page 79-83.
  16. Olivieri J.N., Muñoz-Barreto J., Tirado-Corbalá R., Lakhankar T., and A Fisher (2017) Comparison and downscale of AMSR2 soil moisture products with in-situ measurements from the SCAN-NRCS network over Puerto Rico, Hydrology, 4(4), 46; doi:10.3390/hydrology4040046.
  17. Nilawar A, Calderlla C., Lakhankar T., Waikar M., and J. Muñoz, (2017), Satellite Soil Moisture Validation using Hydrological SWAT Model: A Case Study of Puerto Rico, USA, Hydrology, 4(4), 45; doi: 10.3390/hydrology4040045.
  18. Krakauer, N.Y.; Lakhankar, T.; J.D. Anadon (2017) Mapping and Attributing Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Trends for Nepal. Remote Sensing. Vol: 9(10): Pages 986, doi:10.3390/rs9100986.
  19. Seo D., Lakhankar T., Cosgrove B., Khanbilvardi R. and X. Zhan (2017) Applying SMOS Soil Moisture data into the National Weather Service (NWS)’s Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (HL-RDHM) for flash flood guidance application, In Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Volume 8, 2017, Pages 182-192, ISSN 2352-9385.
  20. Pérez-Díaz C.L., Lakhankar T., Romanov R., Muñoz J., Khanbilvardi J. & Yunyue Yu (2017) Evaluation of MODIS land surface temperature with in situ snow surface temperature from CREST-SAFE, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 38 , Iss. 16,2017.
  21. Pérez Díaz, C.L.; Muñoz, J.; Lakhankar, T.; Khanbilvardi, R.; P. Romanov (2017). Proof of Concept: Development of Snow Liquid Water Content Profiler Using CS650 Reflectometers at Caribou, ME, USASensors 201717, 647.
  22. Mandal RA, NY Krakauer, A Jha, T Lakhankar, MP Sharma, PK Jha (2016), Effect of seasonal variables on cow milk production of smallholders at Voltar, Gorusinghe and Jholpe villages in Nepal, Wayamba Journal of Animal Science, 8: 1467645923
  23. Jha, A.K.; Malla, R.; Sharma, M.; Panthi, J.; Lakhankar, T.; Krakauer, N.Y.; Pradhanang, S.M.; Dahal, P.; M.L. Shrestha (2016) Impact of Irrigation Method on Water Use Efficiency and Productivity of Fodder Crops in NepalClimate 2016, 4, 4.
  24. Dahal, P., Shrestha, N., Shrestha, M., Krakauer, N., Panthi, J., Pradhanang, S., Jha A. and T. Lakhankar, (2016). Drought risk assessment in central Nepal: temporal and spatial analysis. Natural Hazards, 1–20. doi:10.1007/s11069-015-2055-5
  25. Pérez Díaz, C.L.; Lakhankar, T.; Romanov, P.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Y. Yu (2015) Evaluation of VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Using CREST-SAFE Air, Snow Surface, and Soil Temperature DataGeosciences, 2015, 5, 334-360.
  26. Corona, J.A.I.; Muñoz, J.; Lakhankar, T.; Romanov, P.; R. Khanbilvardi (2015) Evaluation of the Snow Thermal Model (SNTHERM) through Continuous in situ Observations of Snow’s Physical Properties at the CREST-SAFE Field ExperimentGeosciences5, 310-333.
  27. Krakauer, N.Y.; Pradhanang, S.M.; Panthi, J.; Lakhankar, T.; , A.K. Jha (2015), Probabilistic Precipitation Estimation with a Satellite ProductClimate3, pages 329-348.
  28. Pradhanang, U.B.; Pradhanang, S.M.; Sthapit, A.; Krakauer, N.Y.; Jha, A.; T. Lakhankar (2015) National Livestock Policy of Nepal: Needs and Opportunities. Agriculture 5, 103-131.
  29. Panthi, J.; Dahal, P.; Shrestha, M.L.; Aryal, S.; Krakauer, N.Y.; Pradhanang, S.M.; Lakhankar, T.; Jha, A.K.; Sharma, M.; R. Karki (2015) Spatial and Temporal Variability of Rainfall in the Gandaki River Basin of Nepal HimalayaClimate3, 210-226.

  30. Corona, J.A.I.; Lakhankar, T.; Pradhanang, S.; R. Khanbilvardi (2014). Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Weather Forcing Data Analysis for Streamflow Simulation Hydrology,  1, 89-111.

  31. M Temimi, T Lakhankar, X Zhan, MH Cosh, NY Krakauer, A Fares, V Kelly, R Khanbilvardi, L Kumassi (2014), Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Ground-Based L-Band Passive Microwave Observations in Northeastern USA, Vadose Zone Research, 13(3). doi: 10.2136/vzj2013.06.0101

  32. Krakauer N.Y. , S. M. Pradhanang, T. Lakhankar, and A. Jha, (2013) Evaluating Satellite Products for Precipitation Estimation in Mountain Regions: A Case Study for NepalRemote Sensing vol. 5(8), pages 4107-4123.

  33. Munoz J., J.A.I. Corona, T. Lakhankar, R. Khanbilvardi, P. Romanov, N. Krakauer, A. Powell (2013) Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing for Snow Cover and Snow Water Equivalent Estimation British Journal of Environment and Climate Change., 3(4): 612-627. DOI : 10.9734/BJECC/2013/7699.

  34. Seo D., T. Lakhankar, J. Mejia, B. Cosgrove, and R. Khanbilvardi (2013) Evaluation of Operational National Weather Service Gridded Flash Flood Guidance over the Arkansas Red River Basin, The Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1-12. DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12087.

  35. Lakhankar, T., Muñoz, J., Romanov, P., Powell, A. M., Krakauer, N. Y., Rossow, W. B., and R. M. Khanbilvardi (2013) CREST-Snow Field Experiment: analysis of snowpack properties using multi-frequency microwave remote sensing dataHydrology Earth System Science, 17, 783-793, doi:10.5194/hess-17-783-2013.

  36. Chen C.,T. Lakhankar, P. Romanov, S. Helfrich, A. Powell, R. Khanbilvardi (2012) Validation of NOAA-Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) by Comparison with Ground-Based Measurements over Continental United StatesRemote Sensing Vol. 4(5), pages 1134-1145.

  37. Lakhankar T., A.E. Azar, N. Shahroudi, A. Powell, and R. Khanbilvardi (2012), Analysis of the Effects of Snowpack Properties on Satellite Microwave Brightness Temperature and Emissivity DataJournal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing, !:101, doi: 10.4172/jgrs.1000101

  38. Ghedira H., J-C. Arevalo, T. Lakhankar, R. Khanbilvardi and R. Blake (2011), Snow Cover Mapping Using Satellite Remote Sensing DataInternational Journal of Remote Sensing Applications, Vol.1(6), pages 37-42.

  39. Temimi M., T. Lacava, T. Lakhankar, V. Tramutoli, H. Ghedira, R. Ata, and R Khanbilvardi (2011), A multi-temporal analysis of AMSR-E data for flood and discharge monitoring during the 2008 flood in IowaHydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8020.

  40. Seo D., T. Lakhankar, R. Khanbilvardi (2010) Sensitivity Analysis of b-factor in Microwave Emission Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval: A Case Study for SMAP Mission Remote Sensing, Vol. 2(5), pages 1273-1286.

  41. Lakhankar T., A.S. Jones, C.L. Combs, M. Sengupta, T.H. Vonder Haar, and R. Khanbilvardi (2010) “Analysis of Large Scale Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture Using a Geostatistical MethodSensors, Vol. 10(1), pages 913-932.

  42. Lakhnakar T., N.Y. Krakauer, R Khanbilvardi (2009), Applications of microwave remote sensing of soil moisture for agricultural applicationsInternational Journal of Terraspace Science and Engineering, Vol. 2(1), pages 81-91.

  43. Lakhankar T., H. Ghedira, M. Temimi, M. Sengupta, R. Khanbilvardi, R. Blake (2009) Non-parametric Methods for Soil Moisture Retrieval from Satellite Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing. Vol. 1(1), pages 3-21.

  44. Lakhankar T., H. Ghedira, M. Temimi, A.E. Azar, R. Khanbilvardi (2009) Effect of Land Cover Heterogeneity on Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Active Microwave Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing. Vol.1(2) pages 80-91.

Book Chapters

Conference Proceedings and Reports:

Stopped updating 2013 onward….



  • Chen C., Lakhankar T., Romanov P., and R. Khanbilvardi (2011), Validation of NOAA Interactive Snow Maps with Ground-based NCDC Data, presented at 68th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Snow Conference, McGill University in Montreal Canada, June 14-16, 2011.

  • Munoz J., Lakhankar T., Romanov P., and R. Khanbilvardi (2011) Estimation of surface snowpack properties using multi-frequency microwave remote sensing data, presented at 68th Annual Meeting of Eastern Snow Conference, at Montreal, June 14-16, 2011.

  • Lakhankar T., Munoz J., Romanov P., and R. Khanbilvardi (2011) NOAA CREST field experiment: remote sensing of snow properties using Microwave measurements, Oralpresentation at 7th Annual NOAACREST Symposium, Hampton University, Hampton, VA, April 27-28, 2011.

  • Pellot D, Lakhankar T., McDonald K. and R Khanbilvardi (2011) Evaluation of QuikScata Data for Regional monitoring of vegetation phenology, NOAA/NESDIS Cooperative Research Program (CoRP) 8th Annual Science Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina.






  •  Ghedira H., Arevalo J.C., Lakhankar T., and R. Khanbilvardi, (2005), “An Adaptive Neural Network System for Improving the Filtration of Non-Snow Pixels from SSM/I Images”, In proc. IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS’2005, vol. 8, No 167, pp. 5459-5463, Seoul, South Korea, 25–29 July, 2005.

  • Lakhankar T., Ghedira H. and R. Khanbilvardi, (2005), “Vegetation Effect on Soil Moisture Retrieval from Active Microwave Data”, In proc. The 9th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signature in Remote Sensing (ISPMSRS) Beijing. China, October 17-19, 2005.

  • Lakhankar T., Ghedira H. and R. Khanbilvardi, (2005), “Effect of Sub-Pixel Variability of Land-Cover Data on Soil Moisture Retrieval using SAR data”, AGU Fall Meeting 2005, abstract #H41D-0424.

  •  Ghedira H., Arevalo J.C., Lakhankar T., and R. Khanbilvardi, (2005), “Capabilities and Limitations of Neural Networks in Snow Cover Mapping from SSM/I Images”, In proc. The 9th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signature in Remote Sensing (ISPMSRS) Beijing. China, October 17-19, 2005.

  • Ghedira H. and T. Lakhankar (2005) “Capabilities and Limitation of Satellite Microwave Data in Soil Moisture Retrieval in Semi-Arid Regions” In. proc. Kuwait First International Remote Sensing Conference, 26-28, September 2005.

  • Lakhankar T., Ghedira H. and R. Khanbilvardi, (2005), “Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic system for Soil Moisture Estimation using Remote Sensing Data”, Einstein’s in the City, 2005, New York, USA, April 11-12, 2005.

  • Lakhankar T., Ghedira H. and R. Khanbilvardi, (2005), “Vegetation Effect on Soil Moisture Retrieval from Active Microwave Data”, 2nd NOAA-NESDIS Cooperative Research Program (CoRP) Annual Symposium July 13-14, 2005.J.C


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