Tarendra Lakhankar

  • The City College of New York
  • Department of Civil Engineering
  • Spring 2024

Course Description: In this course students will learn how to use the underlying concepts of Geographic Information Systems for problems in Water Resources engineering. We will start with a review of the basic concepts of GIS, such as the use Coordinate systems, projections, data concepts, and geographic references. After refreshing this knowledge we will apply these concepts to typical hydrologic tasks, such as Terrain modeling, watershed delineation, computation and extraction of river and watershed networks including spatial analysis computations. Once we have mastered that the course will also introduce some modeling concepts and expand on the integration of time series and geospatial data in general. We will also add some components that address remote sensing data products and their analysis within the GIS environment. The course will be rounded out with some special topics related to challenges that remain for geospatial information systems, such as data heterogeneity, data about data (metadata), and how one can search best for data.

Pre-Survey for Class

Date Lectures / Presentations (45-60 minutes) Class (6:30 – 9:00 PM) Activities (Lab and Research Project) Homework
30 Jan 2024 Lecture 1: Course Introduction and GIS Application In-Person T-424 Introduction of Software & Installation Homework 1
  6 Feb 2024 Lecture 2: Introduction to GIS and ArcMap In-Person T-424 Lab 1: Mapping World Data
Optional – Google Earth Engine Mapping
13 Feb 2024 Lecture 3: GIS Data Sources for Water Resources Remote (Snow) Lab 2: Mapping USA data
Lab 3: Mapping Lat/Long data
20 Feb 2024 Lecture 4: Coordinate Systems and Map Projections Remote Lab 4: Downloading Remote Sensing Data  
27 Feb 2024 Lecture 5: Spatial Analysis
* Research Project Discussion
In-Person T-424 Lab 5: Rainfall Data Interpolation Homework 2
5 Mar 2024 Lecture 6: Watershed & Network Delineations In-Person T-424 Lab 6: Watershed Delineations  
12 Mar 2024 Lecture 7: Arc Hydro for Water Resources In-Person T-424 Lab 7: Learn Model Builder (Map Delineation)
* Research Project Selection
19 Mar 2024 Lecture 8: Water Infrastructure and Hydrography In-Person T-424 Lab 8: Water Quality Data Interpolation  
26 Mar 2024 Project Review In-Person T-424 (1) StoryMaps and (2) Mapping at ArcGIS Online  
2 Apr 2024 Lecture 09: Remote Sensing in Water Resources In-Person T-424
(Guest Lecture)
 Lab10-Contaminated Site Mapping  
9 Apr 2024 Lecture 10: Remote Sensing and Raster Analysis In-Person T-424 Lab 9: Extract Vegetation, Water, & Soil Indices (Raster Data) Homework 3
16 Apr 2024 Lecture 11: Intro to HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS In-Person T-424 Lab 10: Hydro-logical Simulation using HEC-HMS (Data)  
23 Apr 2024 No Class (Spring Break)  ——————    
30 Apr 2024 No Class (Spring Break)  —————— ——————   
7 May 2024  Lecture 12: Online Data and GIS Alternative (QGIS) In-Person T-424 Activity: Change Detection, AWS Data Access and QGIS  
14 May 2024 Group Research Project Presentation In-Person T-424    
21 May 2024 Final Examination In-Person T-424    
Grading: Final Exam30%The final exam will be a take home exam that will be handed out during the last class and be due one week later.
Homeworks15%The homeworks are due 2 weeks after they have been assigned. No late HW!
Lab Assignments20%Lab Activities to perform GIS mapping based on data provided
Project35%By 19th March 2024, you need to submit a proposal for the term project. This is mandatory! No proposal no class.
Project PPT25PtsThese will be scheduled during the 12th May class and be organized by the students.
Project Report65PtsYou will need to submit the project Report at the day of PPTs.
Project EVA10PtsYou will be asked to participate in the evaluation of your fellow classmates PPTs.


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