CE 45100 Environmental Water Resources
Water and water pollution in the natural world. The hydrologic cycle. Atmospheric, surface and subsurface water. Hydrographs, unit hydrographs and flow routing. Mechanisms of contaminant transport. Sources and remediation of water pollution. Pollution in surface and groundwater. Topics covered:
1. Introduction to the course and project topics (1 class).
2. Hydrologic cycle and analysis of hydrologic data (2 classes).
3. Precipitation, evaporation, transpiration and infiltration (4 classes).
4. Remote Sensing and GIS in Environmental Water resources (3 classes)
5. Flow routing, models (2 classes).
6. Groundwater Hydrology (3 classes).
7. Water Quality (1 class)
8. Mechanisms of contaminant transport. Governing equations (4 classes).
9. Numerical models (1 class).
10. Meetings with project groups (3 classes).